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Graduate student Thomas Varnish's recent paper in Physics of Plasmas has been selected as a Featured Article Thomas studied some mysterious density structures which appeared in...
Profs Jack Hare and Sander Lavine at the Cornell Laboratory for Plasma Studies recently finished two weeks of experiments on COBRA with Drs Hannah Hasson and Matt Gomez from...
With a flash and some sparks, PUFFIN achieves first plasma! After four years of design, fabrication, assembly and commissioning came to an end: last week we fired our first shot...
We had a great time in Atlanta GA for this year's APS DPP, presenting talks and posters on our research Here are the titles of our presentations for this year, and you can find...
We offer our heartfelt congratulations to Dr Rishabh Datta, who successfully defended his PhD thesis titled "Radiatively Cooled Magnetic Reconnection Experiments Driven by Pulsed...
We’re back from two weeks of experiments on the COBRA pulsed-power generator at Cornell University Graduate student Rishabh Datta wrote a proposal which was funded through...
In January 2025, the PUFFIN group is moving from the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at MIT to the Laboratory for Plasma Studies at Cornell Jack is joining the faculty at the...
Our PRL was an Editors' Suggestion, and was featured prominently on the home page of...
Jack, Rishabh, and Lansing travelled to Albuquerque NM to carry out the fourth Magnetic Reconnection on Z (MARZ) shot We fielded new diagnostics including laser imaging and...
In April, Jack first travelled to Rochester for the NSF ECLIPSE (Ecosystem for Collaborative Leadership and Inclusive Innovation in Plasma Science and Engineering) meeting, which...
Jack has received the NSF CAREER award, the "National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic...